Friday, September 28, 2012

Hello from the new mommy

Hello to those who still read "The Adventures of Allie". Life has been a complete adventure for me, I've embraced motherhood with open arms and so far enjoying every minute with my amazing little girl. She brings such joy to both of our lives. Aubrey has changed me so much from the moment I found out she was growing inside of me. I started writing my birth story which I've yet to finish, I'm hoping to get that posted this weekend. With being a mother and taking online classes, it's hard to blog these days. I mean right now it's 1:36am, she's sleeping in her bassinet and jersey shore in on the tv. Lol. Now is my chance to do a quick update. Aubrey is now 2 months old, and she gets her shots tmw. :( eek. So nervous for my lil babe. Well that's all for now, just wanted to let everyone know yes I am alive, we are doing great! Things honestly couldn't get any better. I am working with what we have and making the best of it.
Ps: I went into labor shortly after my last blog post :) best day of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Allie its been a while. I have been thinking about you and have been wondering how you are doing. I found your blog again and am happy to see that you had a healthy baby. I hope life is going great. :)


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