Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Pop Culture Means to Me

Semiotics, there are signs everywhere even if we think something doesn't have a meaning it does and it’s still a sign.  As we approach the You Decade our relationship with mass media and pop culture is growing bigger and bigger.  Our history of pop culture has grown larger than life, from the good old country folk making their own music, to having music made and someone just performing it for a paycheck.  At one point music was self-made and free, not digitalized and pre-made for someone else to perform.  We now enjoy things that have already been researched and programmed to what we think is cool or what we think is in at the time.  just to satisfy our entertainment needs. 
      A lot of us have even changed the way we live based on how products are introduced.  It'd be punishment if we left the house without a cell phone, or an iPod, most of us would be lost without certain modes of technology.  As our culture has evolved and changed so much we have certain traits of technology engraved into our brains that we are unable to function without it. 

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