Saturday, January 28, 2012


   To my avid readers out there, if any, I am sorry that I have been absent.  No nothing bad has happened, I am ok, Brett is ok, and baby is ok.  I know I haven't been posting as much but I'd rather blog happy than in a funk.  And sometimes I am in more of a funk than happy.  If you blog funky then it can turn a reader away and I don't want to do that.  Lately I have been more of a blog reader than a poster.
      I started school two weeks ago and that's been interesting to say the least.  I am having a tough time in math, but I am hoping that by paying a tutor, and spending oodles of hours in the math center I will gain more of the math skill and be able to pass. 
      In other news, work is still the same downer, so we won't be getting into that.  I went to a baby shower today and heard my friend say that they've been saving all of her paychecks and living off of baby daddy's pay checks.  I wish we could do that.  Again I don't want to be a downer.  I'll just end up crying.  The baby shower was great though, I was very happy to have seen a friend that I rarely get to see.  The next time we see each other I'll be rotund, and she will have her baby.  Since I am no longer going to Vegas I decided that I'll use my ticket to visit her a month or two after her baby is born.  Such a smarty pants idea I pondered today. 
      Well I've been up since 5am, I could write more, but I don't want to bore anyone with a 3000 word blog/novel.  Till next time, think good thoughts for me, pray a get accepted for Medi Cal, and hope my baby daddy gets his license before baby is due.  Or else I'll be driving myself to and from hospital :)

Nap time.

wish i was in maui, or even know what its like to be there...

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photography!!!


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