Monday, March 19, 2012

Its Only a Matter of Time

      As I approach the beginning of the third trimester, I can't help to think how excited I am to meet our daughter in just a few months.  I have been feeling her kick away like crazy and can even feel it when I put my hands on my belly.  I try to get Brett to feel but she must get shy when he tries.  I am actually starting to look more pregnant by the day.  I took my belly button ring out that I've had in almost ten years.  I feel so naked with out it.  I am starting to burst out of my work uniform and wear a lot more yoga pants, I have maternity pants, but I don't want to wear them just yet.  I am still in maternity jeans denial at this point.  My appetite has largely grown, and I can see it on the scale that I have gained weight.  Only about 10 pounds though, so I really need to make sure I am eating healthy so I can shed the weight after birth.  My goal is to only gain 25 pounds, lets hope i don't go over that.  I am over halfway there and I'm at 22 weeks now.  Well just wanted to do a quick update, now I have to get back to studying for my anthropology mid term tomorrow, wish me luck!

Aubrey's Mommy

1 comment:

  1. With baby, placenta, and more blood in your body will make you gain up to 30 pounds. If you go over 25 it doesn't mean it is because of your eating habits. Don't stress over weight gain. You will be shocked how fast you will lose it especially if your breast feeding :)


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