Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Music

Lately I've been feeling the white girl gangsta inside of me come out.  School started, so I constantly have to be on my toes incase anything is to "pop off".  Just the other day I was harmlessly riding the eco-friendly steal horse also known as my bike down the pedestrian path on campus.  There were a couple people on the path, but I managed to go around them with out getting close or anything.  Someone was feeling very entitled that day and yells "if you speak up people will move!!!" ----------------(that's the sound of a record stopping) excuse me??????  For minding my own business I get yelled at?  There was more than enough room to go around the asshole with out me having to say anything, or else I would have said something, trust that.  And these are the stupid little things that will never leave my memory.  These are the idiot remarks that replay in my head over, and over, and over again.  It bothers me so much I am blogging about it!!!  Anyway, in reply I say "I didn't say anything" and if you know me you know how I would have said it.  He replys back with some nonsense as I ride away at that point I was bothered he even spoke to me.  It's always after the fact when my back is turned that these entitled people get gully with me. 
      In my Political Science class this fat mexican bitch who doesn't know me whatsoever says "you would do something like that".  At least that's what I thought she said anyway, all for me taking a label off a sheet of labels and handing her the sheet for her fat fingers to peel a label off.  There are times when I look across the class, and she her fat neck roll line petruding out as she chews her gum like cud staring at the teacher thinking she looks good.  Every semester I encounter these people who have this sense of self entitlement.  I'm not sure if it's the town I live in that sets this tone for others, or if it's just me?  People need to remember that they are coming to my city for school and visitors need to respect it.
      These are the people that at the end of the semester I reflect back on and think, I am so glad  I'm not them.  Another thing, the more knowlege that I gain the more I see the world through a different lense.  Part of me likes it, and the other part of me hates it.  Is it possible to know too much? Or Am I just 25 and still learning the ropes? The point of this blog was to post some music to accompany my gansta' tone I've been taking on lately.  I guess I can't help the fact that I have a permanent "start shit with me" sign over my head.  I also can't help or change the way I carry myself, I must be intimidating.  So if anyone ever feels the need to start shit, start it with me...I'm a jack of all trades, test this.  BACK TO THE POINT!!! Kreashawn and V-Nasty.  Two cool ass bitches from the bay here we go...They're on the level.

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