Sunday, December 18, 2011


      Not sure if anyone has heard of this method of birth, some people think it's a crock of you know what, or that only crazy people believe this stuff. However, I have been hypnotized before and it's not what many people think, you don't walk around and cluck like a chicken, or quack like a duck. Hypnotism is the most relaxed state of mind that a human can be in. The hypnotherapist brings you to a level of pure relaxation, uses a focal point, and let's your imagination do all of the work.  When I went I focus was getting an A in math, and guess what? I got an A.        I recently contacted my certified hypnotherapist and told her that I was expecting, she was more than happy for me and very congratulating. She was so excited that I had contacted her and told her because she is certified in hypnobirthing.  She recommended that I get a book that she referred to me called "Hypnobirthing", I purchased it last night on Amazon.  Brett and I are both on the same page when it comes to hospitals forcing induction, and pain meds, and wanted to take an alternate route with that regardless.  So he was thrilled when I told him the news.  I am going to start my hypno sessions in about the 7th month.  The therapist has had many "hypnobabies" and the mothers say that their baby's has been so calm, and haves even slept through the night when they were taken home from the hospital.  That's what I will have as well. 
     This is basically a method where you tell yourself positive things and positives things only.  (Pain) is no longer in my vocabulary; labor is work, and not the P word. Western culture immediately associates labor with P.  In almost every other country except ours, women pop squats when they think the baby is coming.  It's very interesting learning about birthing methods, and what people do in other countries.  It's amazing how different our culture treats birth. Hypnobirth Site.  Melinda is the only certified hypnobithing practicioner, and I am so thankful to know this lady and have her assist us with our baby.

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