Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dreams and Eating

I have been having the CRAZIEST dreams lately. Last night I dreamt my friend Jenna lived in this deserted desert cave, and to get to her cave house we had to ride some crazy bulls to get there. Their horns would scrap against the steep rock walls that lead to the cave house, along the way there were other bulls that we had to try to avoid that would attack us if we didn't go the right way.

Another thing, I know how important it is to eat, I have been trying my hardest to battle this morning sickness business, and so far I'm losing. I've lost almost 8 pounds, and everything I try to eat I feel like Im forcing myself. Everything tastes different, nothing apeals to me anymore, and I get grossed out by the smell of almost everything. Even Thanksgiving food wasn't the same for me. The other night I wanted disco fries (fries with gravy and cheese) OMG my mouth started watering but of course we didn't have the stuff to make them wahh wahhh. Today I got my self out of the house to Trader Joes and Whole Foods to get some snacks. I ended up leaving with a bag of fries, yogurt, beef borg soup, and mini baguettes. I ate, but I still feel starving. This baby is literally sucking the life out of me. Every morning when I am getting sick I say "why are you doing this to me?" Then I start thinking the worst, CAN I DO THIS???? I know this too shall pass, I'm just going through changes. Hopefully it gets better with time.

In the mean time, on the bright side Brett and I got to decorate our tree together, our last solo tree as a couple.


  1. Love the tree!! You did a great job on it. What do the cats think of the tree?? Thanksgiving food was not the same for you cause you didn't have sweet potatoes and cranberrysauce!! LoL.

    Love you.

  2. beautiful tree!


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